The applications of IEEE 802.15.4 based networks are wide ranging, covering both industrial and domestic use. Essentially, for IEEE 802.15.4 to be used in a networking solution, the required data rate must be low (≤ 250 kbps) and the maximum range for communicating devices must be short. In addition, a device with an autonomous power supply (no power cables) must have an extremely low power consumption. If these criteria are met, IEEE 802.15.4 may provide the ideal networking solution, particularly when cost and installation are significant issues.
A number of fields of application of IEEE 802.15.4 are described below.
• Home Automation and Security:
A wireless PAN provides a low-cost solution for electronic control within the home; e.g. HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning), lighting, curtains/blinds, doors, locks, home entertainment systems. Another important application within the home is security – both intruder and fire detection.
• Consumer products:
Wireless PANs can be built into consumer electronics products. The most obvious example is to provide a common remote control for the various components of a home entertainment system (that may be distributed throughout the home). Other examples are computer systems and toys, in which a wireless radio link may be used to replace a point-to-point cable link (such as between a mouse and a PC).
• Healthcare:
This field employs sensors and diagnostic devices that can be networked by means of a wireless PAN. Applications include monitoring during healthcare programmes such as fitness training, in addition to medical applications.
• Vehicle Monitoring:
Vehicles usually contain many sensors and diagnostic devices, and provide ideal applications for wireless PANs. A prime example is the use of pressure sensors in tyres, which cannot be connected by cables.
• Agriculture:
Wireless PANs can help farmers monitor land and environmental conditions in order to optimise their crop yields. Such networks can operate at very low data rates and latencies, but require wide geographical coverage – the latter issue is addressed by using network topologies that allow the relaying of messages across the network.